Tuesday, 2 May 2017

What is "The Law of Attraction"...How does it help and How can we use in our life..

pic courtesy : sharoz
"The Law of Attraction"...

1) what is this Law ?
A) The law of Attraction is a simple yet a very,very effective law,which is applied by the most of the successful people around world and also used by our beloved scientists and great inventors like Issac Newton ,Thomas alva Edison, Da vinci , shake sphere,and many others..This law was used by few people at first but later after 19th century This law kept on spreading and Finally This law was published in Book in 2007..
And today im going to explain you the summary of the book "THE SECRET" yes this is the name of the book..This book was sold out very soon by the time released...

Note : You may be thinking that this law will not work but,There is no Loss in trying and by the use of this law you feel yourself pride and you will be cleared ways for getting the ideas to success...If we jump from top of building we will surely fall down,No matter how rich we are, "This is because of Law of Gravity"Same thing with Law of attraction..It works in many sorts of life..

 So Here we Gooo....

*There will be two types of people in this Universe, the one who think "Positive" and one "Negative"..
No matter to which type you belong ,Ask yourself..and These are the 2 powers which are majorly felt inside the soul...
*There will be a power in both of these Powers and It depends on you way of thinking and it definitely will show affect on your Life..

1) How the law of attraction Works..?

A)The Law of Attraction is one of life’s biggest mysteries only a few people use it,If you dont believe just GOOGLE it..This Law works on the way of your thinking "It is the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality..If you think positively about something and passionate about it you will be master in it...What ever you imagine it will turn into reality if you really want,Unfortunately, so many of us still blind to the potential that is locked deep within and we are unaware of such POWER...

Example : There will be two persons X and Y, The person x will be always free and he thinks that He cant even dare to dream big if you are this type you must change to person "Y "..The person Y will alwas be Dreaming about his Future like he should live in a big Bunglow and He Dream to drive Lamborghini Aventador,So Dreaming doesn't cost anything..
The secret : Both the persons will have different lives and our "X" will be working in a company and our "Y" will be owning it..

Requirements : The Law requires just Positively Recharged always..Keep thinking about is always every second in your mind and the ways to the goal will clearer...

*Many  physicists says more and more information regarding the law, the more we can simply rejoice in the truly liberating and empowering realization that we are the creators and controllers of our life and it depend on energy we are all made of...

If you fill yourself with the Power of Positivety  the universe is always on our side! The more time you dedicate to learning how to use the Law of Attraction effectively, the more fulfilling and rewarding your life can be. There are no restrictions; open your mind and enjoy the natural and conquer your fears..and explore the heights of success.... "Thoughts Become Things" all you need is a Burning desire....

This is just the summary of the book and this book has changed lakhs of lives This Law is not a secret now, after the book is published and so effective that,Even the success stories of the readers of the book are again published in another book...

If you are a reader and want to be master in this Law you should surely Read this book in your life Time..

(It helps the blog to bring more Secrets and Thoughts,Actually it inspires me to write)
Click on the below links to Buy from Amazon ...
THE SECRET                                   (ENGLISH)           Click Here
THE SECRET (RAHASYA)             (  HINDI )              Click Here
THE SECRET( இரகசியம் )             ( TAMIL )              Click Here
THE SECRET(RAHASYAM)           (TELUGU)            Click Here
THE  SECRET                                  (BENGALI)           Click Here

  Thank you Guys for Reading and I'll be back with a Good topic next time..Do share AND FOLLOW


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