The Craze of Education in world - By Pankaj Yadav
One Day while I was on my way to school, I noticed a small breakfast center in the corner of the road. A man runs this center along with his family members. Everyday, we all friends go to school on our bicycles. We used to cross by the breakfast center every day.
In this journey we noticed that whenever we went by that center the son of the man used to cry every day, looking at us. So, one day I took leisure of asking the boy why he was crying everyday looking at us on our way to school. The boy's answer made me think for a while.
He told that he is so fond of studying and wants to become an educated person. But because of his family's poor financial status he couldn't afford education. So, I gave it a thought and got a solution. I informed my friends that the boy cried everyday because he has a zeal to study but couldn't afford education because of his parents poor financial condition.
So, I told my friends that we would collect all our pocket money and also get money from parents to help the boy get his education. So, the next day with all the money collected we got the boy's name enrolled in our school. The parents of the boy were so happy that tears rolled down from their eyes.
They said, "How nice it would be if everyone had such good friends So that all the poor could study and India would take a new leap in the world history.
About the Author:
Name: Pankaj YadavGenere : Nature Essayist
Hey everyone, This is a short essay written by one of my close friend Pankaj Yadav, Who is a very talented thinker in the field of Nature and Life. Pankaj will be writing more posts on our Blog and articles here will be always available here in this page from, Now so please if you have read and liked and learnt something from it. Share it to one who need to read this. Thank you - Shaik sharoz
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- Also read : Human life Essay ----Pankaj Yadav